
Alhamdulillah. Yeayy, my resume got selected. I have being called for an interview at kementerian kesihatan Malaysia which is more specifically, Malaysia National Health Accounts . The interview is at Putrajaya and they called me just now to confirm the date which is this Tuesday. I am very excited but at the same time I am still afraid. It has been a long time I dont attend any interview. This is my first interview for getting a job. I tak lah berharap sangat tapi I still want that job. Kat Putrajaya kot. This is a very great oppurtunity and I want to do my best.But for now, I still not confident with myself. My previous interview which are 3 to 4 years ago ,I failed. That makes me still think i am not good in expressing my thoughts through talks. I have the idea, but I dont know how to express it . I got nervous easily though. Okay, this time I gonna do revision a lots about biostatistics that i have learned during fifth semester because the job is quite related to that thing. and I gonna do a lot of practice. I dont think I will get the job but I want it so muchhhh. Ya Allah, help me.
